Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Advantages of Having a Good Quality Management System for Your Business

A business cannot be run single-handedly. It requires cooperation and collaboration from all its members. Moreover, innovative thinking is one such skill which would help in the growth of your business. However, the key component which is very important for any kind of business is to have a strong supportive quality management system. A huge amount of investment goes behind building up such a system for your business to operate smoothly. Given below are some of the reasons on why one should do so.

  • Saves time and money: Time is the most important factor for any business. Thus, the time you spend on setting up an efficient quality management system along with its policies would definitely prove to be fruitful in future. Your employees would be well aware of the workflow which in turn would reduce the scope for error. This would save time as well as money.
  • Happy customers are the best for any business: Having an efficient quality management system would help you deliver the best services to your customers. Increased and consistent customer satisfaction would definitely prove to be beneficial for your business as all the focus would be on the quality of the service provided.
  • Reduced risks: Setting up standard policies and systems leaves no room for error in internal as well as external processes. An efficient management system also has the capability to foresee the threats and vulnerabilities to the business before they arise and hence these can be addressed much before they can actually cause loss to the business.
  • Increased awareness about your business among people: The most important factor which is considered by all businesses worldwide is to make a strong presence in the global market. This is where a quality management system comes into play. It makes your business and its services visible among all sections of the market. It also helps you to have a smooth flow of operations at work by properly documenting the business processes and maintaining checks at regular intervals of time.
  • The quality of the product is improved: Such a system enables you to focus on the quality of the products offered to the customers. This, in turn, helps you improve the quality of the product to a great extent. All aspects of quality starting from delivery to customer feedback are taken care of by this system.
  • Get an edge over others: Nowadays, customers value quality more than the price of the product. Thus, if you have a good quality it would give you an edge over other companies offering the same product.

So, if you have a business and have been thinking about long-term plans, make sure that setting up a quality management system tops your list. Contact us!

Does your business need iso 13485 consulting? Head to GlenView Group.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

How To Recycle Electronic Waste With Responsibility

One of the fastest growing contributors to the waste stream is electronic waste. It is increasing at a rate three times faster than other types of waste. From mobile phones to televisions, batteries, computers and other electronic appliances, many of our gadgets are polluting the environment and filling up landfills. So it is of utmost importance to recycle our electronic products responsibly and as soon as possible. The primary thing though is it should also be known which components can be reused in new products.

What can we recycle?

According to a survey, about 90% of the components in televisions and computers can be recycled. But every year more than 1.5 million electronic waste are dumped in landfills. Nearly all household electrical gadgets like televisions, hair dryers, mobile phones, toasters, stereos and laundry machines can be recycled as they contain valuable resources. For example, zinc, aluminium, glass, plastic and nickel can all be manufactured and repurposed into new products.

Responsible recycling

After a certain period of time, it is obvious that all electronic equipment will stop working or become redundant. So it is very important to know how to dispose your e-waste responsibly and safely. It is both costly and dangerous to dump your unwanted electrical items on the kerbside, street, recreational areas or in community parks. Most electrical items are harmful to human health and environment as they contain hazardous substance like phosphorus, lead and mercury. Cleaning up and collecting e-waste also costs a lot of money to the local government and it is a waste of natural resources, like energy, fuel and water.

Can you put e-waste in your normal household recycling bin?

You cannot process most of the electrical items through the normal kerbside collection system. A threat to the workers at your local landfill site is posed by hazardous substances like lead and flame retardants. These are also very dangerous for collection trucks to crash.

So what do you do with my old electrical items?

It is very important to take your electrical goods to a designated e-waste drop off facility, if you want to dispose them safely. These facilities are specially made to handle hazardous substances, sort through old electronic items and recycle products that would otherwise take some years to break down in regular landfills. Electronic waste can be disposed at collection centres for free. Visit your local council website for getting a full list of recycling facilities and find your closest e-waste drop off facility. Visit us!

Does your business require e-stewards certification? Head to GlenView Group or visit the provided links.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Electronic Wastes Recycling Standards

Having a lot of electronic wastes accumulating and do not know what to do with it? An electronic recycler certainly helps in this regard. It is very important for companies to securely erase data from the device before it is recycled properly and get a report after that. It is a duty on the company's part to handle the toxic wastes diligently so as not to harm its employees.

Earlier many companies used to dump their electronic wastes in empty landfills or would even ship to foreign seas illegally. However, after the advent of electronic recyclers thing have changed. There are mainly two accredited electronic recycling standards available in the market. They are R2 certification and e-Stewards certification. Although both the certifications are quite similar to each other, there are different on some grounds. Finding a vendor for both the certifications is easy, so one can be in a dilemma about which one to opt for.

Comparison between R2 and e-Steward Certification

  • Both the standards share a common objective and their goal is to ensure proper processing and disposal of the electronic wastes under controlled environment adhering to the standards set. 
  • Both these standards work in compliance to ensure the safety of the employees and the environment. 
  • These standards are implemented to reform the way electronic wastes are recycled across the globe.
  • E-Stewards certification enforces a fixed set of policies and standards on it vendor companies to ensure the safety and health of workers, whereas R2 is flexible with its rules and regulations. It gives its vendor companies the privilege to customize the rules depending on the workplace which complies with their standards. 
  • The cost of implementation of both the standards is also quite different. R2 charges a fixed charge from its vendor companies annually whereas the rates of e-Steward depend on the revenue earned by the companies, along with an additional fee for implementation. 
  • R2 takes complete responsibility of the wastes from the time it is handed over to them. It does not allow the export of these wastes to foreign countries which are not in compliance with their health and safety standards. It also adheres to the ground rules of a specific place where the wastes have been exported. On the other hand, e-Stewards completely ban the export of these wastes to any other foreign land.
Thus, while making a choice, a company should first analyze all its requirements. Although R2 more favorable than e-Stewards certification, however, it ultimately depends on what will best work for your business. Visit our website!

Does your business require r2 certification requirements? Please visit the provided links.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

How To Borrow Money Against A Shared Inheritance

An heir may have to wait months and even years in order to get their inheritance distributions. This is because of the length of the legal process involved. So, an heir is allowed, by means of cash advances or loans, to receive funds in a matter of days. It has no effect on the other heirs of the estate. A portion of the estate is assigned by the cash advance company, in exchange for the loan. Here is how you can get an advance on your inheritance.

  • You need to first determine whether you have the eligibility for an inheritance cash advance or not. Advances are only typically received by the heirs from probate assets. Probate assets are bank accounts, insurance policies, real estate, company interests and other assets that were only owned by the decedent. Non-probate assets include trust, retirement accounts or any accounts that are jointly held with another person.
  • You need to first determine what amount of money you want to lend from your shared inheritance. The usual range of inheritance loans and advances are from $5000 to $250000. Select an amount of loan that is less than the inheritance you expect. The amount of the loan is capped by some lenders at a certain percentage of your total expected inheritance.
  • Contact a company that has a specialization in inheritance advances. Money can only be borrowed by the inheritors from their inheritance after the beginning of the probate process by the inheritors. Do not forget to ask the inheritance company that for an inheritance advances what fees will they charge. The fees vary depending on companies. Fees usually depend on the amount of the advance, the complexity of the estate and the amount of time until the estate closes.
  • A cash advance has to be arranged by you from the lender. Funds can generally be distributed by the companies from advances and loans within a few days of business of the transaction. If sufficient funds are not present to pay the loan, ask the company about its consequences. The heir usually does not have personal liability for insufficient estate funds because the heir is assigned an interest to the company.
  • Return the money back to the inheritance cash advance company as early as possible. When the estate closes, executor automatically pays the money to the inheritance cash advance companies as part of the transaction. However, discounts and rebates are offered by some companies for heirs that pay back the loan early.

Do you need to borrow against inheritance? Visit Advance Inheritance!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

All You Need To Know About Medical Laboratory Technicians

The physicians in hospitals and clinics are often assisted by few other people who help in the detection of the disease by performing various pathological tests on the tissues of the body as well as the body fluids. These people are called medical laboratory technicians. With an associate's degree, these people find work either in hospitals or in the doctor's chamber.

Job Description

Their work profile is not only restricted to providing assistance to the doctor, however, they also play a major role in the detection and prevention of fatal diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and AIDS. They are mainly responsible for carrying out tests on specimens under the guidance of the laboratory supervisor or manager or even a physician.

The results of the tests done by these techies are of great importance, as these results prove to be the leads for further progressing with the causes and treatment of the verified illness. The medical technicians can have specialization in various fields of testing, some of which are microbiology, hematology, blood banking and immunology, clinical chemistry and molecular biology.

Work Environment

Medical laboratory technicians find the use of their knowledge mainly in diagnostic laboratories in hospitals and clinics. Options for employment are available at blood banks and organ banks. Many companies dealing in medical equipment often hire medical technicians as sales agents to explain their product to the target customers. Public health organizations and other laboratories involved in research also require medical laboratory technicians.

Special care needs to be taken while setting up their workplace. It should be spotlessly clean and well illuminated. Protection of the lab technicians is the topmost priority hence lab coats and masks and goggles are used by them while at work. They are required to be up for work even at odd hours of the day or during a case of emergency.

Job Duties

The medical technicians have many duties assigned to them some of which are as follows:
  • It is their responsibility to maintain the cleanliness of the workplace. Proper sanitization of the workplace along with preparation of the medical specimens is among the key responsibilities of a technician. 
  • They have to be very careful while collecting blood samples and analysis of various chemical components meant for medical use. 
  • Handling medical equipment with care and their maintenance is also their lookout because these are the equipment which is meant for diagnosis of parasites in the medical specimens.
A career in medicine is very rewarding in every way. This career field is also witnessing a boom with a rise in employment every year. Although this field is very interesting, make sure to through the details for the training required to become successful in this field of medicine. 

Looking for iso 17025 certification? Visit GlenView Group.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Importance Of Being Proactive At The Workplace

With the increasing number of work-related accidents, it has become very important for companies to double-check their safety equipment during an emergency case. It has become a mandate for large multinational companies and their general management system to give topmost priority to the occupational health and safety of the employees of the company. This should be the primary responsibility of the main business heads of any company, including the board of directors and the senior executives. Smaller companies should also pay heed to his matter; however, due to the lack of a complex management system, they can also filter the responsibilities based on their needs and organizational structure.

Listed below are the some of the reasons for reducing these fatal mishaps in the workplace which have both an ethical aspect as well as a regulatory aspect to them.
  • Economic Reason: The health and safety of the employees of any company are directly proportional to the business efficiency of that company. A number of cases have been reported where a huge number of business days have been lost due to accidents in the workplace. Health related issues of the employees last for many months which eventually hamper the work and therefore the business of the company. These accidents and ill heath cases are mainly due to the lack a sound safety and occupational health management system.
  • Legal Reason: It is mandatory for all business heads to ensure that the health and safety of the workers are never at stake during the course of operation of work related activities. These activities should be strictly monitored by the leads of the company to ensure that they are carried out in a safe environment. Thus, the person responsible for looking after the safety and security of the employees should be proactive at all times to check whether the work is being done in an ethical and safe way. In order to comply with the legal aspects of maintaining the safety and health of the workers, certain tips on how to ensure the safety of employees can also be learnt.
  • Moral and Ethical Reason: The company can also prevent its personal loss of money and time by preventing these fatal accidents to happen on the work premises. They should be alert at all times to maintain a safe environment for the workers.
There are many government as well as non-government regulatory bodies all over the world who constantly work towards making the people aware about the importance of safety and health of workers at the workplace. They aim to make every workplace a safe one by giving practical suggestions.

Does your company need iso 13485 consulting? Head to GlenView Group!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Prerequisites For A Medical Device Quality System

A handsome amount of money needs to be invested in the development of a medical device quality system. However, the most common problem which most startups face is the lack of financial backing from the investors. Thus, the importance of a having a good quality system gets faded behind things which need immediate action and are considered to add more revenue to the company. The idea of the development of such a device system gets completely ignored till the product gets launched by the company. To make the development of medical device quality system mandatory, many countries have issued many rules and regulations which have made it mandatory for the developer to have a good quality system if they want to do business outside the country.

A careful analysis of the quality system requirements would show that most of them are related to the production phase. The phases which pertain to the development of the product are discussed below.

  • Design Control: A foolproof design control procedure proves to be the foundation stone of having a sound medical device quality system. This phase is considered to be the most important part of the development phase. During this phase, the key features are noted down to prove that it meets the demands of the people and is safe and secure to be used.
  • Risk Management: Having a procedure to control the risks associated with the design is the second most important thing in the development phase. The primary task at hand is to identify the risks associated with the intended use of the device and devise a solution to those problems. Also, the severity of the risks should also be noted to take a decision whether the design is proper or not. All these should be documented for future use.
  • Document Control and Records Management: Proper documentation is a very important aspect of all the phases during the development cycle. Thus, there should be a proper system to maintain these records and documentations for future use. These documents stay with the company till its existence. So, even the minute details about the revisions and approvals of the reports and documents should be maintained with proper care.
  • Supplier Management: A proper list of suppliers should also be maintained in order to ensure which raw material is being procured from which vendor. The most important thing to remember here are that the suppliers must be well-qualified which can be judged based on the quality of raw materials supplied by them.

Thus, putting some amount of effort in these major areas would help you develop an efficient medical device quality system.

Do you require consulting for ohsas 18001? Head to GlenView Group or visit the provided link to find out more!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tips For E-Waste Disposal!

All electronic wastes, like cell phones, refrigerators, computers, TVs, etc. are collectively known as e-waste. One cannot just throw away these types of waste in the trash. You need to know how to safely dispose of your electronic goods, where your personal data can be stored. Your personal data, like personal photos, password, bank account details, etc., will be ensured by using proper techniques of e-waste disposal.

Every year millions of televisions, along with millions of cell phones, are being thrown away in the trash. It has also been seen that only a low percentage of the electronic waste is recycled or disposed of properly.

A list of how to dispose of e-waste properly is given below.
  • Firstly, the condition of your electronic item should be checked by you whether it still works or not. If the product is in working state, you may donate it to institutes like schools where refurbished computers are often used. It can be of special help to donate your printers, computers, etc., if you are running and upgrading an office.
  • You can sell your electronic item if you do not want to donate it.
  • If you are in doubt whether your item can be sold or not, you may sell it to someone who can sell the electronic item after refurbishing the same.
  • If you do not need any electronic item, you can also give it away for free as an alternative option. You can also advertise or sell your items on various online websites.
  • If you neither want to donate your item nor want to sell it away, then recycling is the best option for you.
  • Always ensure that you remove your SIM card and cancel all the service plans before disposing of your old cell phone.
  • If possible, you can refurbish or recycle your cell phone. Recently, the major trend is to recycle cell phones and refurbish mobile devices.
  • Make sure to remove all your personal data from tablets, phones, desktops, laptops, netbooks, etc. Take backups of your data on an external hard drive for later use.
  • Make sure to clear the history of your internet browser before the disposal of any electronic item.
  • Batteries are also considered as e-wastes. These batteries need special disposal as they contain hazardous material. Batteries like car batteries can be safely disposed of by many automotive stores.
Thus, make sure by following the above-mentioned tips that all your e-waste get proper disposal without being thrown away in the trash.

Are you in need of an e steward certification in your area? Visit GlenView Group to know more.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Tips To Save Environment By Changing Daily Habits!

If you are wondering as to why conserving the environment is the new big thing these days then how about saying for conserving the environment for the sake of your health and the health of your family?

Our environment has become disturbed and flawed as it has been polluted and exposed of its natural resources due to over-consumption. All of our lives are at stake these days. You can find all of our health being affected by the various environment toxins present in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the foods we consume. The Earth is a very delicate planet with a restricted amount of resources. The increasing threat in climatic changes indicates that everyone, including individuals and organizations, must reconsider their impact on the environment.

All of us are responsible for the climate change and change of the health of the planet by the various choices we make. If you are thinking what you can do to improve the condition of the environment, then you can definitely contribute to its health and longevity in various ways.

Here are just a few things you can do.
  • Energy conservation at home: Turn off appliances and lights when not in use. Buy energy efficient products. Keep a check on toilets and showerheads for any leaks. You can consider low flow models for your toilets. Cut down on the settings on water heaters and household thermostats. You can also limit the use of air conditioning when it is not too hot outside. Make your home resourcefully insulated.
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle: It is necessary to dispose all harmful materials appropriately and re-use all the things you think you no longer need. It is advisable to keep recyclables in proper bins so that they can be picked up by the people in need. By using recycled paper, you approximately save 17 trees.
  • Buy safe products: Make sure you do not use home improvement products such as paint with lead and so on. Always buy organic products as you learn which products are safe for your consumption and also for the health of the planet.
  • Drive conservatively: Make use of public transportation and carpool whenever you can, and combine your trips for gas preservation. Monitor speed limits, and keep away from rapid acceleration and too much breaking or idling. You can ride a bicycle or walk for local household tasks. Study as to how you can minimize emission of carbon by keeping your automobile in proper shape.
  • Green up your life: You can switch to the usage of solar energy at home if reasonable. You can also grow your own food, use natural fiber clothing and so on.
These simple tips can go a great way in being responsible to our immediate environment. Contact us!

Does your organization require iso 14001 environmental management system? Head to GlenView Group | ISO Consulting, ISO Certification, ISO Training.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

How International Standards Are Beneficial?

It is important to have some particular standards in our day-to-day life. They act as the backbone for our civilization, guarantee safety, and eminence of services and products. They also facilitate international employment and help in improving our living environment. Agreement to these standards helps customers to reassure that services, products, and organizations are safe, trustworthy and excellent for the environment.

These standards which are set are nothing but strategic tools and procedure, in order to help organisations deal with some of the largely demanding challenges in modern days of business. They guarantee that the business operations undertaken by few organisations are efficient and also help to increase their productivity. They help companies to access new markets.

Benefit for businesses

There are various benefits for businesses when they follow standards:
  • They help to reduce cost, through various improved processes and systems. 
  • They enhance customer satisfaction by providing improved safety, processes and quality. 
  • They help organizations and companies to access various new markets by ensuring the compatibility of goods and services. 
  • They help to minimize the impact of a few products on the living environment.
Benefit for consumers

Other than organisations, these standards also have benefits which can be utilised by the consumers. There are more than 21000 standards which help consumers to improve their living standards.

When the goods and services match to such standards, consumers gain confidence that the products are reliable and safe. For instance, standards for toy safety, road safety are a selection of those standards that help in making this world a better place to live in. The standards maintained on water, air and soil quality and also on emissions of various gases and radiations contribute to the efforts to protect the environment and the wellbeing of the citizens.

For government bodies

Other than organizations and consumers, the standards also play an important role for the government. They act as global expertise and are a fundamental resource for the government while developing public policy. National governments make use of these standards to maintain public policy, which has various benefits such as:
  • To get an expert opinion - By incorporating these standards into national policies, a government can have an advantage of the opinion of experts without having to call the service authority directly.
  • They help in opening up worldwide trade - These standards are implemented by various governments, thus combining them in their national regulations ensuring requirement for imports and exports all over the world, facilitating the movement of products and services from one country to another.
Does your business have iso9001 requirements? Head to GlenView Group | ISO Consulting, ISO Certification, ISO Training.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Recycling

Recycling is the process of making new products out of wastes or old products. It is a fun activity when done in groups. It is a major step in order to reduce pollution and to help the Earth become sustainable for the future.

The process of recycling has both, advantages and disadvantages. It reduces certain things like consumption of raw materials, water pollution, air pollution, energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions. However, you should learn both, the good and bad, before taking a step towards it.

Some points are listed below to help you know recycling better.


  • Recycling helps to protect the environment in a balanced way. In order to reduce deforestation, recycled paper made from trees is re-used continually. Like papers, other natural resources can also be reused repeatedly.
  • It reduces energy consumption. During the manufacturing of products, raw materials consume a large amount of energy. Minimizing energy consumption is very important, especially in refining and mining.
  • It helps to reduce different types of pollution. Pollution is generally emitted from industrial wastes. In order to reduce pollution, recycling of the industrial waste products like plastics, cans, and chemicals, should be undertaken.
  • Recycling considerably reduces global warming. CO2 and CFCs are the greenhouse gases that are emitted from burnt wastes. Recycling of waste products has no harmful effect on the environment. Recycling helps to reproduce eco-friendly products.


  • Recycling can sometimes be costly. Separate factories are needed to be established in order to process reused products. This process may create more pollution because the process of transportation, storage and cleaning would be repeated several times to produce reusable products from the used or waste materials.
  • There is always a question of durability in the case of recycled products. It is difficult to maintain the durable quality of recycled items. These products are generally made up of either overly used trashed wastes or picked up materials from the heap of wastes. Due to this reason, recycled products are cheap and do not last for a long period of time.
  • The sites of recycling are often unhygienic and highly unsafe. Diseases can be spread from the places where waste materials are dumped in heaps. Harmful wastes and chemicals may cause other dangers that can have high-reaching effects. It causes harm to those people who work at the site. Toxification of drinking water is caused if such waste mixes with water.

Thus, carefully observing the benefits and disadvantages involved in the process of recycling before going forward with any step is the best way to determine what you want. Read more!

Does your business need a rios certification? Head to GlenView Group | ISO Consulting, ISO Certification, ISO Training. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Help Your Business Go Green!

Starting a green business is often considered to be a difficult task. However, in the wake of global warming, starting an eco-friendly business is actually a great idea to go by.

Green businesses must include environmentally conscious practices into a business from the very beginning. One can take a step towards sustainability by making their business eco-friendly. These business practices can make your company budget-friendly as well.

So, if you wish to avail the benefits of an eco-friendly business from the very day, here is a list of some simple practices that can make your business more sustainable with each passing day.

  • Using less paper for printing is a way to reduce waste. For reference, just organize your e-mails in the inbox. Keep all the backup copies of e-mails and files on an external drive. Use sustainable paper and print both sides of the page, in cases where printing the documents is necessary.
  • Use electronic signatures to reduce the use of paper. You can make a digital PDF document with digital signature fields for your clients. Sending invoices, contracts, and proposals through e-mails by attaching PDF files can be good as well. Such files require the client to e-sign documents and return them back to the sender.
  • No one works throughout the night. So, turn off all the electronic devices in your offices at night. Turning off the office gadgets is not the only the way to save energy. Always pull all the plugs out before leaving your office. Design the office with fluorescent bulbs and energy-saving appliances.
  • Do not throw away wastes outside the windows. Your office should have many paper recycling bins at every corner. Place a compost bin in the break room and in the cafeteria of your office. Thus, recycle waste by using paper recycling bins properly.
  • There are many companies that are certified green in nature. Contact such companies to avail their services whenever required. To ensure that your supply chain is green, form a partnership with one of the green businesses. Seek the help of the green vendors for your business requirements. Check our programs!
  • If you can afford to remodel your office, go green. From ground floor to top floor, your office should be eco-friendly. Construct your floors with recycled materials. For window coverings use fabrics that are made from bamboo. You can even make the curtains out of bamboo.
  • Recycling e-wastes like old electronic equipment is very necessary to help your business go green. Donate the used cameras, cell phones, printers and computers to any charitable organization to ensure the recycling of e-wastes.

Thus, you can help the Earth to go green by creating a business that maintains some of the tips listed above.

Need the iso 14000 environmental management certification? To know more, head to GlenView Group!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

What Does An Aerospace Manufacturing Certification Offer?

It is very important to have quality standards and rigorous safety in the aerospace industry. Aerospace manufacturers should always be up to date with the quality standards for supplying parts to the aerospace industry.

In order to get listed with major certifying bodies, you need to fulfil all the specific requirements that are required. Nowadays, it is mandatory to get aerospace manufacturing certification, in order to get permission for supplying products. They should also be aware of any revision related to certifications that they hold. Former aerospace pundits, with extensive experience in the industry, are often known to advice manufacturers through the entire process of certification.

Why is aerospace manufacturing certification important?

Aerospace certification is the only way to get permission to supply or manufacture aerospace products. Certification is developed by many bodies to provide aerospace manufacturing standards internationally applicable to everyone. An extra amount of stress is laid on product traceability and regulatory compliance by configuration management and subcontractors.

Aerospace manufacturers should give emphasis on improving the system of quality management between their audits. For companies that supply raw materials for aerospace industry, even they should produce documentation demonstrating their standards.

Safety and quality control

Special attention should be given to the production of sophisticated vehicles like rockets and aeroplanes. All recorded engineering documentation need to be revised correctly by following some instructions, where the performance of the company should be noted.

The correct performance of your operations is proved by controlling the production processes. Production of tools and equipment, like computer controlled machinery, is also the basis of product acceptance. You should develop a process to offer oversight to the integrity of your machinery.

An aerospace certification provides the entire needed framework for a traceability program of the components.


There are some benefits of such a certification. They are as follows:
  • Multiple expectations can be reduced from outdated standards and sub-standards. 
  • Throughout the process of product supply, there is a verification of methodology of quality. 
  • Certification helps to satisfy both, the suppliers and the manufacturers. 
  • Long time taking verification audits can be decreased through a certification. 
  • Oversight costs can be reduced throughout the chain of product supply. 
  • Aerospace certification improves supplier performance to a great extent. 
  • It also helps to increase consistency in expectations related to the quality of the products.
Thus, aerospace manufacturing certification provides such product manufacturers and suppliers with multiple benefits. It helps not only to increase customer satisfaction but also becomes the reason for increased efficiency in any company. Contact us!

Need as9100 certification for your company? Head to GlenView Group!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

What Are The Benefits Of Electronic Waste Recycling?

It is a known fact that human wants are unlimited, and the resources at our disposal are quite limited. Due to this reason, recycling has become the need of the hour. There are many forms of recycling, one of which is electronic waste recycling. There are a number of benefits that one can get out of electronic waste recycling.

Some of the environmental benefits that you will get out of recycling electronic waste are discussed.
  • To preserve our natural resources - We know that natural resource are quite limited and are extremely precious. We also know that without these resources, human beings cannot survive. Electronic waste more often than not contains metals like copper, platinum, silver, etc. Thus, it is highly recommended that we go for the option of recycling electronic waste. This is because such metal come in a lot of use and by recycling the e-waste, we will be able to use these metals in a more organized manner.
  • It cuts contamination - We know that electronic waste contains lots of precious metals. In addition to the metals, e-waste is also a home to dangerous and harmful chemicals like mercury, chromium, beryllium, etc. These chemicals are highly toxic and hazardous. However, what happens is that the e-waste is dumped in landfills where these contaminants contaminate the nearby soil, water and the area, thus, serving as a ground for various diseases. So, it is a much better option to go for recycling of e-waste rather than dumping it in landfills and letting the chemicals contaminate the surrounding areas.
Apart from environmental benefits, there are a lot of economic benefits associated with recycling of electronic waste. Some of them are -
  • Creation of more jobs in the economy - Unemployment seems to be a very static problem in the country. Recycling e-waste requires a lot of manpower and thus, this paves the way for a number of jobs in the economy. So, if you opt for recycling electric waste, you are not only saving the environment but are also helping the economy!
  • Minimization of costs - Normally, what happens is that most of the e-waste is sent overseas which inculcates huge costs for the economy. The better option is to go for electronic cycling plants in the country itself that will not only reduce the costs, but will also help in reducing pollution in the world.
The world is changing and electronic waste recycling is becoming the new savior in a number of ways!

Does your business need to be an r2 certified recycler? Visit GlenView Group!

Friday, July 1, 2016

A Good Quality Management System Can Help an Organisation Immensely

One of the primary things that help an organisation to become better and more effective is having a good quality management system in place. It is a process that helps to review and keep in check all the operations that are being carried out in the organisation. These include the likes of keeping a tab on the products and services of the business, reviewing the various ongoing activities, etc.

Therefore, it can be understood that a quality management system is quite important for any business - especially if it is a medium sized enterprise, as it paves the way for growth and development of the organisation.

Ways in which it can help

Here are some of the ways in which QMS can prove to be quite helpful for your organisation.
  • Increase in the level of efficiency - QMS aims to increase the efficiency of a business enterprise by reducing meaningless or redundant activities. Thus, it helps a great deal in laying down guidelines for all employees to follow, helping the employees to keep their activities in check, providing proper actions when dealing with training and development problems, etc. We can say that such a system helps in making the organisation even more productive and efficient in its processes.
  • Boosting employee morale - Human resources is probably the most important asset of a company. So, it is highly important that the employees of a company stay motivated, in order to perform their work better. Proper management systems can help in keeping employees motivated, in the sense that it shows them how their work brings about the organisation's success. Thus, employees are motivated to perform even better.
  • Helps to get recognition internationally - Companies that use a proper management system get ISO accreditation. Getting an ISO accreditation for a business enterprise is extremely important, as it helps build trust with clients and also in garnering better trade relations. So, this will not only help in reviewing business activities better but will also aid in fostering better trade relations.
  • Improving the process of the organisation - With the help of a proper quality management system, you can find out the loopholes that are there in your organisation, and through proper planning and analysis, you can plug those loopholes as well. This will help you in increasing the efficiency of the various processes in your organisation.
Thus, now that you have read the advantages of adopting a quality management system do use this in your company and see your business grow and develop better. Contact us!

Do you need iso 13485 consulting for your business? To know more, head to GlenView Group.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

How Does Certification Help Your Company?

And you thought all those certified companies were mad to hang their certificates right on their reception desks?

Think again!

If the certification isn't so important, why do you think all those companies keep improving themselves over and over again? There are uncountable companies in this world; each of them is managed by someone or the other, who tries his best to make it better after every passing day. There are a lot of reasons why companies get certified.

But why does a firm need to be certified? How does your company improve its image if it is certified? You wonder. Read below to know how certification helps a company:
  • It acts as an important tool to get more clients for your business: The good thing about having a certified company is that it acts as a tool to attract more clients for your business. Your clients know that the quality of your company and products is good enough to be hired.
  • You compete fairly with all of your competitors: When you have a certified business, you compete in a much better way with all your competitors. You know that you have something that proves you better than most of them. This helps in making you a more confident firm.
  • Your clients are able to trust you more, if your company is certified: Since certification is done only for those companies that are good enough in their qualities, your clients and customers trust you and your company more than those companies, which are not certified. You not only win a competitive advantage over your competitors, but also create an amazing reputation for your business.
  • If you have a certified company, you can hire better employees and minds for your organization: The good thing about having a certified company is that you don't need to compromise on the labor and employees that work under your roofs. You can demand for better employees to help your business grow in a much better way.
  • The quality of your business is represented if your company is certified: When your company is certified, people understand about its quality. In simple words, the quality of your entire business process is signified by the certification of your company.
  • Your company improves every day to sustain the certificate it has been awarded with: When your business is awarded with a certificate, you know that you need to improve every day to sustain the created reputation.
  • It proves that you are serious in your business: The seriousness of your business is represented by the certification of your business. People realize that you are quite serious about the growth of your firm. Click here!
To know about AS9100c certification, all you need to do is head to GlenView Group.

Monday, June 6, 2016

For Business Houses: What Are the Advantages of Being Certified?

The moment you start with your business, you build a dream that you have been seeing since a long time. An entrepreneur is not made overnight; there are thousands of efforts that you put to start your own firm and then fuel it with hard work to watch it blossom.

But how do you make the best of your company? How do you know if your company is good enough? Even if you know that your company is good, how do you prove it?

It's easy - with the help of an ISO (International Organization for Standardization) certificate, you not only understand about your own strengths, but also make your customers realize how good you are.

If you are wondering about the advantages of being certified, here are some of them that would enlighten your mind:
  • It acts as a competitive advantage for your company: If you have a lot of competitors in the market, it is time for you to beat the race by getting your company certified. Your firm is certified when it meets all the requirements and when they are met, your business works smoothly and far more effectively than ever before.
  • It improves your company's position in the market: It doesn't matter what kind of a position you hold at the moment, all that matters is how you develop yourself to grab the attention of all those people, who can be your potential customers for you. Your company's position keeps increasing and meeting the expectations of all the customers, if it is certified.
  • It helps in making you understand your current position in the market or within the customers: In order to improve your position in the market, you need to understand where you stand. This is exactly what you do when you need to get your company certified. You analyze the position of your company, on the basis of which you learn about different things that you need to do for its improvement. The best part is that when you self-analyze your firm, you understand different things about it and then work hard to help it grow.
  • It improves the image of your products and services: Thanks to the process of certification, your product and services are automatically improved. You can't get certified if your products, services and company, as a whole, are good enough to meet the requirements. Indirectly, certification improves the image of all that you manufacture or offer to the customers.
  • It allows your company to have better opportunities and better labor for growth: When your company is certified, you are approached by good labor or better employees, since everybody wishes to work with reputed firms. Click here!
To know about ISO 14000 environmental management, check our services by clicking on the mentioned link.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Six Qualities Your Company Must Have to Be ISO 13485 Certified

Do you have your own business or company?

Then you surely know what kind of a responsibility it is to run the entire floor on yourself. You not only have to take care of the production department, but also meet the needs of the employees, who strive hard to push your business. It is because of all the little to major things that a business flourishes to the most maximum heights.

If you have your company, there is something that you've got to know about - ISO 13485 Certificate. If you are ISO 13485 certified, your business is trusted by your customers.

Here are the top six qualities your business must have, if it wishes to get this certificate:
  1. Risk management abilities: No business can work without taking risks; if your company has been taking a lot of risks and has been surviving through them, you know how to run your business. This is what the certificating team checks for, in any business. If your company has the capacity to survive through risks, it has the capacity to be certified.
  2. Excellent documentation processes: Every business has certain documents; unless these documents are maintained, you can't expect the certificating team to know everything about you. If you have a proper process to maintain each and every little document of your company, it is fit to be certified as an organization!
  3. Controlled work environment: Your business can't work if there is no control on all the departments that you have in your company. When you have a good amount of command on every department, you know that there is nothing else that you have got to do. Supervision is essential, no matter how small or big your company is.
  4. High quality services provided to the already existing customers: Unless you treat your already existing customers with patience and good services, your company doesn't deserve to be certified for its quality. You have to ensure that your existing customers are happy, so that they can refer your products or services to the others as well.
  5. Excellent product development team: Every company needs to introduce new products into the market. If you have a strong product development team, the certifying company can trust you easily and certify your business.
  6. Contributive staff or team or employees: Your employees have got to be as supportive as you are, for your business. Unless you have a strong team, your company can never stand on its own and has no rights to be certified.
If you are looking for ISO Consulting, ISO Certification, ISO Training; head to Glen View Group!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Five Benefits of Being ISO 13485 Certified

Being into any type of business is no easy task; along with maintaining all the tasks at work, you have also got to maintain your respect, as the owner, in the eyes of all the team members. You also have to sustain customer loyalty and be loyal to him as well, at the same time.

There are several things that you can do to gain customer loyalty and attract intelligent brains to work for you. One of the best things to do is get your company ISO 13485 consulting. Here are the top five benefits of obtaining this certificate:

  1. The employees are able to give stronger commitments to you: When you have an ISO certificate for your company, the employees working under the roof of your company know how to treat you and their jobs. They perform in a much advanced and better way, for they know that they are in a company, which is worth working in
  2. You can improve your performance on the basis of the certificate in your hands: If you really want to improve your company's performance, you have got to ensure that it gets certified. The reason is simple - both the situations are interconnected; better your organization, easier it is for you to get the certificate and vice versa.
  3. Customers can trust you easily, if you are a certified name: The moment customers come to know that your company is ISO certified, it becomes easier for them to trust you. Since such certificates are not banged by random companies and there are a lot of efforts that an organization needs to put to get such a certificate, customers respect and value certified companies more than the non-certified ones.
  4. Your business turns more efficient: In order to sustain the quality, thanks to which you win the certificate for your business, you work harder and improve your company's performance. This way, you not only find new ways to bring innovation and creativity to boost the performance of your company, but also work hard to give it all that it needs.
  5. You are able to generate more revenue and profit: When you constantly work hard, you bang the certificate, which some of the companies can only dream of. Once your company is certified, you get better brains to work under your name. When you have intelligent minds working hard to create and maintain your reputation in the market, you are bound to boost the sales of your products by increased demand.

For the best ISO Consulting, ISO Certification, ISO Training, hire us!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Why Do Managers Need Training?

When a mere executive turns into a manager of a particular company, he feels like he has achieved more than enough in his life. Usually, people have a common perception towards managers - they don't work. According to most of the junior level employees, their managers are blood-sucking parasites and their only task is to drown them in more and more work, including the work that they have to finish on their own.

To be honest - this is untrue. Even the managers work hard; in fact, it is their hard and smart work that allows them to reach the position that they wish to. After all, no one can get promoted, if he doesn't work on a particular position.

Also, the low level employees feel that the managers do not go through any sort of trainings. This is also not true; almost all the companies make sure that their managers also go through different types of trainings.

Wondering why the managers need training? Here's a list that would tell you:

  • They are also employees: Even if the mid-level employees are smart enough to assign tasks to different people at work, they are also mere employees of a particular organization. Therefore, for the sake of keeping them brushed with the rules and regulations of the company, the firms organize training programs for them.
  • The company's goals change right when the older ones are met: Just because the already set goals of a particular firm are met doesn't mean it doesn't come up with new goals; right when some of the goals are achieved, the same team comes up with new and fresh goals, which need to be taught to the managers so that they, in turn, teach the low-level employees.
  • There is always some scope for improvement: Even if a particular manager is well-skilled and already trained, he can always be trained on new things for the sake of improving him. The more a particular manager is trained, the better he performs at work. Therefore, it is necessary for him to get trained on different things.
  • Managers need to be wiser and their skills must be polished after proper breaks: No doubt the low-level employees work equally harder or even more than the managers, the mid-level employees need to be wiser so that they know how to segregate different tasks to different employees and departments in the organization. In order to polish their skills after proper time breaks or intervals, the managers must be trained. Visit Our Website.

Every organization dreams to grow big, bigger and biggest; every employee must go through training to prove beneficial to the organization.

If you want your managers to get ISO9001 training, head to GlenView Group!