Tuesday, November 22, 2016

How To Recycle Electronic Waste With Responsibility

One of the fastest growing contributors to the waste stream is electronic waste. It is increasing at a rate three times faster than other types of waste. From mobile phones to televisions, batteries, computers and other electronic appliances, many of our gadgets are polluting the environment and filling up landfills. So it is of utmost importance to recycle our electronic products responsibly and as soon as possible. The primary thing though is it should also be known which components can be reused in new products.

What can we recycle?

According to a survey, about 90% of the components in televisions and computers can be recycled. But every year more than 1.5 million electronic waste are dumped in landfills. Nearly all household electrical gadgets like televisions, hair dryers, mobile phones, toasters, stereos and laundry machines can be recycled as they contain valuable resources. For example, zinc, aluminium, glass, plastic and nickel can all be manufactured and repurposed into new products.

Responsible recycling

After a certain period of time, it is obvious that all electronic equipment will stop working or become redundant. So it is very important to know how to dispose your e-waste responsibly and safely. It is both costly and dangerous to dump your unwanted electrical items on the kerbside, street, recreational areas or in community parks. Most electrical items are harmful to human health and environment as they contain hazardous substance like phosphorus, lead and mercury. Cleaning up and collecting e-waste also costs a lot of money to the local government and it is a waste of natural resources, like energy, fuel and water.

Can you put e-waste in your normal household recycling bin?

You cannot process most of the electrical items through the normal kerbside collection system. A threat to the workers at your local landfill site is posed by hazardous substances like lead and flame retardants. These are also very dangerous for collection trucks to crash.

So what do you do with my old electrical items?

It is very important to take your electrical goods to a designated e-waste drop off facility, if you want to dispose them safely. These facilities are specially made to handle hazardous substances, sort through old electronic items and recycle products that would otherwise take some years to break down in regular landfills. Electronic waste can be disposed at collection centres for free. Visit your local council website for getting a full list of recycling facilities and find your closest e-waste drop off facility. Visit us!

Does your business require e-stewards certification? Head to GlenView Group or visit the provided links.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Electronic Wastes Recycling Standards

Having a lot of electronic wastes accumulating and do not know what to do with it? An electronic recycler certainly helps in this regard. It is very important for companies to securely erase data from the device before it is recycled properly and get a report after that. It is a duty on the company's part to handle the toxic wastes diligently so as not to harm its employees.

Earlier many companies used to dump their electronic wastes in empty landfills or would even ship to foreign seas illegally. However, after the advent of electronic recyclers thing have changed. There are mainly two accredited electronic recycling standards available in the market. They are R2 certification and e-Stewards certification. Although both the certifications are quite similar to each other, there are different on some grounds. Finding a vendor for both the certifications is easy, so one can be in a dilemma about which one to opt for.

Comparison between R2 and e-Steward Certification

  • Both the standards share a common objective and their goal is to ensure proper processing and disposal of the electronic wastes under controlled environment adhering to the standards set. 
  • Both these standards work in compliance to ensure the safety of the employees and the environment. 
  • These standards are implemented to reform the way electronic wastes are recycled across the globe.
  • E-Stewards certification enforces a fixed set of policies and standards on it vendor companies to ensure the safety and health of workers, whereas R2 is flexible with its rules and regulations. It gives its vendor companies the privilege to customize the rules depending on the workplace which complies with their standards. 
  • The cost of implementation of both the standards is also quite different. R2 charges a fixed charge from its vendor companies annually whereas the rates of e-Steward depend on the revenue earned by the companies, along with an additional fee for implementation. 
  • R2 takes complete responsibility of the wastes from the time it is handed over to them. It does not allow the export of these wastes to foreign countries which are not in compliance with their health and safety standards. It also adheres to the ground rules of a specific place where the wastes have been exported. On the other hand, e-Stewards completely ban the export of these wastes to any other foreign land.
Thus, while making a choice, a company should first analyze all its requirements. Although R2 more favorable than e-Stewards certification, however, it ultimately depends on what will best work for your business. Visit our website!

Does your business require r2 certification requirements? Please visit the provided links.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

How To Borrow Money Against A Shared Inheritance

An heir may have to wait months and even years in order to get their inheritance distributions. This is because of the length of the legal process involved. So, an heir is allowed, by means of cash advances or loans, to receive funds in a matter of days. It has no effect on the other heirs of the estate. A portion of the estate is assigned by the cash advance company, in exchange for the loan. Here is how you can get an advance on your inheritance.

  • You need to first determine whether you have the eligibility for an inheritance cash advance or not. Advances are only typically received by the heirs from probate assets. Probate assets are bank accounts, insurance policies, real estate, company interests and other assets that were only owned by the decedent. Non-probate assets include trust, retirement accounts or any accounts that are jointly held with another person.
  • You need to first determine what amount of money you want to lend from your shared inheritance. The usual range of inheritance loans and advances are from $5000 to $250000. Select an amount of loan that is less than the inheritance you expect. The amount of the loan is capped by some lenders at a certain percentage of your total expected inheritance.
  • Contact a company that has a specialization in inheritance advances. Money can only be borrowed by the inheritors from their inheritance after the beginning of the probate process by the inheritors. Do not forget to ask the inheritance company that for an inheritance advances what fees will they charge. The fees vary depending on companies. Fees usually depend on the amount of the advance, the complexity of the estate and the amount of time until the estate closes.
  • A cash advance has to be arranged by you from the lender. Funds can generally be distributed by the companies from advances and loans within a few days of business of the transaction. If sufficient funds are not present to pay the loan, ask the company about its consequences. The heir usually does not have personal liability for insufficient estate funds because the heir is assigned an interest to the company.
  • Return the money back to the inheritance cash advance company as early as possible. When the estate closes, executor automatically pays the money to the inheritance cash advance companies as part of the transaction. However, discounts and rebates are offered by some companies for heirs that pay back the loan early.

Do you need to borrow against inheritance? Visit Advance Inheritance!